Announcements about summer schools and workshops can be provided by e-mail:

Year 2024

EXOHOST summer school “Planet formation and populations”

16-20 September 2024
Tartu Observatory, Estonia

The summer school will focus on two connected topics: (1) planet formation and evolution and (2) planetary system populations. The school is aimed at PhD students and advanced master students working in the field of exoplanets. The two topics will be covered by world-leading scientists, with emphasis on both the theoretical side as well as the current and future possibilities for confirming/restricting theoretical predictions with observational data. Two days will be dedicated to each topic. The format includes two lectures before lunch and one after, followed by a discussion on the subject. In preparation for the discussion students may be asked to read some material before the school.

The exact program will be finalised with the help of the invited lecturers. From the first part the students will learn about planet formation on different scales: formation and growth of solids from small molecular clusters to planetesimals and planetesimals accumulations and assembly into planetary cores. The second part will explore exoplanetary systems relations to their host stars and formation environment providing comparison with trends discovered observationally and highlighting observations biases and theoretical model deficiencies. The discussion session will help students to clarify specific questions and formulate specific science problems that need to be addressed to move forward research in these fields.

EXOHOST main webpage:

Early Career Workshop: 

Microsatellites and their use in planetary and astrobiology research

 Tartu, Estonia, 24-31 August 2024

The aim of the workshop will be to enable students and early career scientists to design micro-and nanosatellite missions tackling scientific themes and target objects they have chosen themselves previously.  The workshop will consist of three parts:

  • a lectured part consisting of in-depth talks on the scientific background of the chosen mission themes and on important issues in satellite technology
  • a mission designing part where attendees plan these endeavours in detail with the help of satellite technologists
  • a final presentation of all the projects

In order to plan missions involving such small satellites successfully, intensive interaction and cooperation between scientists and space technologists are necessary, which is still lacking in some potential key applications.The workshop school aims to:

  • Highlight the possible potential of microsatellites in exploring different targets like the Moon, small bodies and outer satellites
  • Foster the interaction between space researchers and technologists
  • Allow participants to start the design and planning of new space missions
  • Contribute to the training of a new generation of space researchers

The work on the mission designs will continue after the workshop, thus ensuring a long-term impact.

The European Astrobiology InstituteUniveristy of Tartu and Stockholm University Astrobiology Centre  will function as co-organisers of the workshop.

The workshop will consist of lectures by leading scientists, planning of for different micro- or nanosatellite projects in small groups as well as open discussions. Participants will also have the possibility to display their own research results in a poster session. Furthermore, a one-day excursion to South-Estonia and a walk around Tartu is included as a social programme.

The event is open to applicants from all nationalities. Nevertheless, recommendation letters for visa applications are only issued for participants selected by the organisers.

PLEASE NOTE: A limited number of bursaries for students and early career scientists (up to 8 years from their first Ph. D. in a related field) from EAI institutions (see a list here) will be available. We are also working to get some funding for students and early career scientist from the US. Participants from EAI Institutions selected by the EAI for bursaries will be offered free lunches, excursions, farewell dinner and accommodation in a shared 2-bedded room for at Raatuse Hostel from 23 August (arrival) to 1 September 2024 (departure), but have to fund their travel on their own. There is no special application for the bursaries, just send in your application form and tell us in the e-mail. Participants selected for the bursaries will be notified immediately after the application deadline (in good time after the registration deadline).

Application deadline is 1st May 2024.

All information is found on the on the website:

Europlanet Society Webinar: Early Career Spotlight 13.00 – 14.30 CET 

Mar 19, 2024.

This instalment of the Europlanet Society Webinar series will focus on tools for our early career community. Featuring short talks from EPEC and from space career specialists Derek Polowyj (Eden Scott), Joanne Oliver (SpaceCareers.UK) and Ross Crosby (Innoforge), this session aims to provide you with practical tips and contacts to help you take your next career step. 

Find out more here >> 


Summer school: “Exoplanets by the Lake II: Geoastronomy”

At this event, the aim is to explore the links between the geosciences and astrophysics in understanding the geophysics and geochemistry of rocky exoplanets, how they formed and evolved and the implications for spectroscopy of their atmospheres. The event website is here: The event occurs from 21st July (Sunday) to 26th July (Friday) 2024 at a beautiful location in southern Bavaria.

Registration deadline is March 31, 2024.

The first three days of this summer school features pedagogical lectures by two invited lecturers (Steve Mojzsis and Fabrice Gaillard). For the 4th and 5th day, we will transition into a scientific workshop featuring a small number (4) of invited speakers that will each give:

An hour-long, pedagogical lecture introducing students/postdocs (who are mostly astronomers) to the basics of isotope systems and geodynamics.
An hour-long talk on the highlights of specific research, including views on the future prospects of the exoplanet field.

The spirit of the event is to foster close interaction and discussion among 20 participants (students/postdocs) and 6 invited lecturers/speakers in a marvellous hotel by a Bavarian lake.

Kevin Heng (LMU-Munich)
Fabrice Gaillard (CNRS-Orleans)
Steve Mojzsis (HUN-REN, CSFK-Budapest)

EAS: Cybersecurity, Concurrent Engineering, Space Systems, and CubeSats training sessions: Applications open!

Cybersecurity Training Course
ESA and its Member States handle vital information and data crucial for Europe’s security. Cyber threats are increasing in complexity and targeting space-related infrastructures and thus ESA is committed to safeguarding its space assets and those of its partners and Member States. To address this, ESA Academy is launching a new Cybersecurity Training Course. This course will provide students with an understanding of cybersecurity threats in the space sector, security engineering for space systems, and practical experience in securing space communication systems.
Dates: 8 – 12 April 2024
Open to: Engineering students at Bachelor, Master, or PhD level, enrolled in a university for the academic year 2023-2024, with basic knowledge of computer science and digital communication systems
Application deadline: 12 February 2024 23:59 CET
Concurrent Engineering Challenge
Concurrent engineering, a method in the space sector, involves designing all subsystems simultaneously, unlike traditional methods. Specialists from different disciplines collaborate at a dedicated facility, making the process more efficient. Students at ESA Academy’s Training Facility will work in teams to design subsystems, using Concurrent Engineering to meet mission requirements. They’ll also receive training on the Concurrent Model-Based Engineering Tool (CoMET) before the Challenge.
Students who apply will work from ESA Academy’s Training and Learning Facility, along with other groups of students from multiple universities.
Dates: 15 – 19 April 2024
Open to: Engineering or physics students at Master or Ph.D. level, enrolled in a university for the academic year 2023-2024, with basic knowledge in space technology
Application deadline: 12 February 2024 23:59 CET
Space Systems Engineering Training Course
Space Systems Engineering holds immense significance within the space industry, playing a pivotal role in the success of any space mission, be it a student-crafted CubeSat or a commercial communications satellite. Space Systems Engineers take charge of space projects, guiding them from inception to completion. They collaborate with diverse fields to define user needs, establish requirements, and craft the ultimate design.
Over the span of four days, students in attendance will gain insight into the foundations and hurdles of Space Systems Engineering. They will explore the responsibilities of Systems Engineers at ESA and delve deeply into the System Engineering process.
Dates: 21 – 24 May 2024
Open to: Engineering students at Bachelor (at least 3rd year), Master, or PhD level for the academic year 2023-2024, with a solid mathematical and physics background
Application deadline: 4 March 2024 23:59 CET
CubeSat Hands-On Training Week
This Training Week is a great opportunity for university students to get hands-on experience with CubeSats and to apply theoretical knowledge obtained from classroom lectures. In groups of two, students will have the opportunity to perform experiments on Educational Satellites (ESAT) and learn how subsystems work and interact with each other. The focus throughout the Training Week, will be on hands-on learning with ‘’lab sessions’’ supervised by staff from Theia Space, which will be complemented by lectures on the various fields of CubeSat subsystems, testing, and operations, delivered by ESA experts.
Dates: 21 – 24 May 2024
Open to: Engineering or science students at Bachelor, Master, or PhD level in a university, enrolled for the academic year 2023-2024, with knowledge in space technology
Application deadline: 11 March 2024 23:59 CET

Please do not hesitate to contact ESA Education Office for any questions and to share this information with your colleagues or on your social media.

53rd Saas-Fee Advanced Course of the Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy:

From stars to planets in the space-based photometry era”

28 January 2024 to 3 February 2024

We kindly invite you to winter school of the 53rd Saas-Fee Advanced Course of the Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy: “From stars to planets in the space-based photometry era”. This Winter school will take place in Saas Fee, Switzerland, from the 28th of January 2024 to the 3rd of February 2024. The official website of the course can be found here:

For this edition, the invited lecturers are Dr. Maria Pia Di Mauro, Prof. Aline Vidotto and Prof. James Owen who will talk about stars, star-planet interactions and exoplanetology.

Registration is still open but will close on the 13th of January 2024. Participants should register as soon as possible and book their accommodation before the closure date using the link provided on the conference website (on the “Venue” page).

Year 2023

Europlanet 2023 Summer School. „Space missions: ground-based observations and science communication“.

August 8 – 18, 2023

Europlanet 2024-RI (RI) and the Molėtai Astronomical Observatory (ITPA VU) are pleased to announce the international research summer school „Space missions: ground-based observations and science communication“. The aim of the course is to give participants a thorough, multidisciplinary introduction into space missions and the ground-based observations required by space missions before and after launch, as well as an introduction to science communication. More general subjects about specific space missions (TESS, JWST, PLATO…), planetary systems, habitability of planets, photometric and spectroscopic techniques will be presented. Participants will be given some hands-on experience with analysis of stellar chemical composition, detection of stellar variability and/or exoplanets using the Molėtai Astronomical Observatory telescopes (CCD photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy). In addition, the course will give participants the opportunity to develop comprehensive theoretical and practical skills in science communication and engaging with a range of lay audiences, including the public, media, policy makers, schools and educators. The course is open to PhD and master students, early career scientists, and amateur astronomers.

Activities of professional astronomers and amateur astronomers will be merged in order to achieve more understanding between groups. The level of the school is orientated to PhD students and early career scientists, however amateur astronomers will be provided with the additional scientific support during lectures and observations.

For selected* participants from the European Economic Area (EEA) and one or two participants from countries outside EEA the participation will be fully covered and up to €360,- for travel depending on the distance travelled will be reimbursed by Europlanet 2024-RI.
Other selected participants will have to pay a participation fee of 600 EUR that includes accomodation, meals, excursions and local transportation.

The school is organised by the European Commission HORIZON 2020 project EUROPLANET 2024 Research Infrastructure. Europlanet 2020 Research Infrastructure” has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 654208.

The deadline for application is 8 June 2023 23:59:00 UTC.

Notifications of acceptance by 1 July 2023 23:59:00 UTC.

More information concerning the reimbursement will be provided for the selected participants personally.

Better Inclusion, Better Science, Building Impact in MW-GAIA
Vilnius, Lithuania

July 3 – 5, 2023

This 3 day school will cover topics related to improving inclusion in the science process, how this leads to better science, and more impactful science. In the school the MW-Gaia community will discuss, with the help of professionals from several scientific and social disciplines, current best practice in inclusion and impact and learn about possible new initiatives and solutions.
Speakers will show how their Equality/Diversity/Inclusion commitment is fundamental in underpinning their research.
Topics for the School include:

  • public engagement with research
  • practical skills on engagement with different audiences (including policy-makers)
  • practical development of a public engagement project about Gaia.
  • training in social innovation
  • applying scientific knowledge to tackle social issues
  • gender and diversity training contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

“COST NanoSpace James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Training School”

La Laguna, Tenerife (Canary Islands), Spain.

19-22 June 2023

All detailed information about the COST NanoSpace JWST Training School; i.e., programme, organising committees, registration, logistics, etc. can be found in the website of the Training School at:

The main goal of the COST NanoSpace JWST Training School is to provide COST Action NanoSpace participants and young researchers the tools on data analysis and proposals preparation for the exploitation of the unprecedent astronomical data from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The COST NanoSpace JWST Training School will provide specific training to reduce JWST imaging and spectroscopic data, with focus on the mid-infrared spectral range. Attendees will get acquainted with the pipeline architecture and data models and will run a set of hands-on exercises, especially using JWST/MIRI data. These are designed to cover specific science cases, demonstrate calibration challenges and how to solve them. The programme will mostly focus on spectroscopy, but will also demonstrate imaging data reduction as well as the tools for proposals preparation.
The school will be in hybrid format (both on-site and on-line) with on-site attendance limited to 80 trainees and with priority given to PhD students and Young Researchers (i.e. researchers under the age of 40), which are strongly encouraged to participate. There is no registration fee and the NanoSpace COST Action will provide financial support (i.e. reimbursement after the event) for a limited number of participants (~30-40), with high priority to those with a primary affiliation in an institution located in an Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC) / Near Neighbour Country (NNC) participating in the Action. The information requested in the on-line registration form will be used to select the final list of registered participants as well as those eligible for financial support, which will be notified in advance of the Training School. The attendees are expected to arrange their own travel and accommodation.


– Deadline for on-site registration (no registration fee): 10th May 2023 (or when 80 participants have registered, whichever is sooner).

– Deadline for on-line registration (no registration fee): 31st May 2023 (no participants limit but with limited support, mainly via the Slack plattform).

***Contact email:

“Astrochemistry: From the Big Bang to Life”

Global Online Lecture Series

29 March – 28 June 2023 

The course will be devoted to astrochemistry and the exogenous hypothesis of the origin of life. In 14 lectures from the world-leading experts, we will discuss the history of the early molecular universe starting from the Big Bang; environmental conditions and key physico-chemical processes in space; astronomical observations (from ground to space) of objects of astrochemical interest; chemical models describing astrophysical environments and their reaction networks; key laboratory techniques and approaches for studying astrochemical processes; chemistry in specific environments, such as the interstellar medium, protoplanetary disks, and atmospheres of (exo)planets; exogenous synthesis and delivery of biomolecule precursors; and, finally, evolution of these precursors on the early Earth. For more see here:

2023 Sagan Exoplanet Summer Hybrid Workshop. Characterizing Exoplanet Atmospheres: The Next Twenty Years

JULY 24-28, 2023

Observations of an exoplanet’s atmosphere provide the best hope for distinguishing the makeup of its outer layers, and the only hope for understanding the interplay between formation, natal composition, chemical and disequilibrium processes, and dynamics & circulation. The field is entering a revolution in our understanding of exoplanet atmospheres thanks to measurements from the ground, from space, and particularly from the new JWST – the superlative facility for exoplanet studies. In the longer term, such observations will also be essential for seeking signs of biosignature gasses in nearby exoplanets using future, next-generation observatories.

This year’s workshop will cover theoretical modeling, interpretation, and observations of exoplanets using a variety of telescopes, techniques, and hands-on exercises, presented by leading experts in the field.

We currently plan to hold the 2023 workshop as a hybrid with both in-person and on-line attendance. It is unclear at this time (February 2023) what, if any, restrictions will be in place due to COVID.

The Sagan Summer Workshops are aimed at advanced undergraduates, grad students, and postdocs, however all are welcome to attend. There is no registration fee for these workshops. More info here.

Attendees will also participate in hands-on tutorials and have the chance to meet in smaller groups with our speakers.

2023 Proposal Writing School

On four Mondays: 20 February – 20 March 2023

This on-line school is an introductory-level overview of the proposal writing process with a focus on ORP-supported facilities and infrastructures. It will take place on four Mondays during the time period February 20 – March 20.

The school will include an introduction to how proposals are reviewed by Time Allocation Committees (TACs), unconscious bias in proposal review and the (double-)blind proposal review system. The students will take part in group work that involves forming mini-TACs to review a set of professionally written proposals to gain experience on the process. There will also be sessions on building a science and technical case for their own proposals, with expert advice from tutors on what to do and avoid when writing an observing proposal. The students will take the information obtained from attending the school to write their own observing proposal, which will receive feedback from the expert tutors on how it could be improved. 

The school is primarily meant for PhD students in astronomy, who want to gain more experience in writing observing time proposals. However, students/astronomers at any stage of the career are very welcome to apply to the school. 

If you are interested in the whole proposal writing process, and learning how TACs work and how to write your own proposals, this school is perfect for you. For more details go here.

New Frontiers of Celestial Mechanics: Theory and applications

15-17 February 2023

conference dedicated to the dissemination of the results of the PRIN I-CELMECH project “New frontiers of Celestial Mechanics: theory and applications” (

The workshop will be held at the Department of Mathematics Tullio Levi-CivitaUniversity of Padua, from February 15 to 17, 2023.


  • Hamiltonian perturbation theories in Celestial Mechanics and the N-body problem
  • Orbit determination
  • Extra-solar planetary dynamics
  • Low-energy orbits in astrodynamics
  • Space debris dynamics
  • Geodynamics and tides

Registration/contributed talk:

If you wish to participate, please send a registration request by e-mail to by January 10th, 2023.

Planetary Mapping Winter School

30th January – 3rd February 2023

The school will cover all the topics that are necessary to produce high-quality planetary cartography:

  • Introduction to planetary body mapping specific aspects processes and features 
  • Basics of remote sensing and multispectral data exploitation
  • GIS usage, based on QGIS Open Source software (project creation, digitalization, and layout)
  • Practical collaborative mapping with dedicated instructor on each planetary body (1 full day each)
  • Principles of crater counting
  • Geologic cross section and stratigraphic sections creation
  • Seminars and talks from invited international guests    

The school will comprise frontal lecturespractical demonstrations and group-work activities for practicing mapping on the Moon, Mercury and Mars.

THE REGISTRATION IS OPEN. Please use the following link to register:

The 2023 GMAP Winter School is free of charge. All the activities will be online 

Year 2022

Pro-Am Comet Hybrid Workshop 2022

June 10-12, 2022

The Pro-Am Comet Workshop, sponsored by Europlanet, the British Astronomical Association, and Planetum Prague, and will bring together professional and amateur members of the Cometary Science and Observational Community.

The workshop will be a mix of invited and contributed talks and round-table discussions, addressing the following broad topics:

  • Cometary Science Overview
  • Pro-Am campaigns
  • Imagining equipment, techniques and standards
  • Processing methodologies
  • Standardisation of methodologies and parameters
  • Archiving of data and simplifying access to datasets
  • Broadening participation/outreach/education

The workshop will be a mix of invited and contributed talks and round-table discussions, addressing a broad range of cometary science and how Pro-Am observations can contribute to these.

Registration for online attendance will remain open until 13th May 2022. Find out more>>

“NOT – a telescope for the future”, La Palma

June 7-10, 2022

A workshop on the future of the Nordic Optical Telescope “NOT – a telescope for the future” will be held on-site in La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain, 7-10 June 2022. The workshop will cover science from a wide range of fields, focusing on the current and the future use of the NOT, as well as its educational role. On-going and planned instrument upgrades will be presented, for instance the coming NOT Transient Explorer (NTE). Contributed presentations are welcome as talks and posters. More information is found at the workshop website:

The deadline for abstract submission and registration is March 31st.

Planetary & Geologic Mapping Winter School

February 7-11, 2022

The second Planetary and Geologic Mapping Winter School will be held online from 7-11 February 2022. The programme for the Winter School, which is organised by Europlanet 2024 RI’s Geological Mapping (GMAP) activity, will include seminars, asynchronous interactions, and individual/project mapping work. Registration will open in mid-December 2021 and will close on 31 January 2022. Materials from the first Winter School in February 2021 (including videos, presentations, documentation and data) are now accessible for prospective participants to browse.
Find out more>>


February 9 – 11, 2022

Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure project and the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy of Vilnius University are pleased to announce the international conference „Europlanet Telescope Network Science Workshop“. 

The Europlanet Telescope Network (EPN-TN), launched in 2020,  is a network of small telescope facilities to support planetary science observations by professional and amateur astronomers. The EPN-TN currently comprises 16 observatories with 46 telescopes ranging from 40 cm to 2 m in size. The network can be accessed free of charge to carry out projects on a wide variety of scientific studies about the Solar System and exoplanets, as well as related astronomical investigations. 

The goal of this workshop is to encourage community-led proposals and to highlight scientific results achieved with EPN-TN and other medium size and small telescopes. We invite interested astronomers and amateurs to participate, to learn more about  the instruments offered, their capabilities, and scientific potential.

The EPN-TN is financed by the European Commission HORIZON 2020 project EUROPLANET 2024 Research Infrastructure.

Sessions will be distributed over three half days. They will be dedicated accordingly: 

  • Day 1 –  Solar System planets
  • Day 2 –  Exoplanets
  • Day 3 –  Minor Solar System Bodies

The sessions will be followed by brainstorming meetings on the Discort platform. 

Registration free of charge and with no deadline. 


March 13-19, 2022


• Any student preparing his PhD thesis in Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Biology or History/Philosophy of sciences in France or any other country.
• Any students or young scientist wishing to acquire an interdisciplinary training in astrobiology to complete their initial training and to be able to address issues about the origins of life on Earth, its evolution and its distribution in the Universe.

The program of RED’22/Astrobiology Introductory Course is complementary to that of RED’21, however it is not necessary to have followed it to participate in this new school.

The school’s 2022 session will be held from March 13th to 19th, 2022. Registrations 2022

1st Announcement for the NBIA workshop on Radiation Transfer in Astrophysics, June 6-10, 2022.

1st Announcement for the NBIA workshop on Radiation Transfer in Astrophysics that will take place at The Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, June 6-10, 2022. For further details and registration, please see the website at

The workshop will focus on non-local thermodynamic equilibrium and non-equilibrium radiation transfer in the context of various interdisciplinary problems in astrophysics, from stellar and exoplanet atmospheres to interstellar matter and supernova, and radiation propagation in accretion and protoplanetary discs. 

Workshop Topics
• stellar atmospheres
• exoplanetary atmospheres
• accretion discs, protoplanetary discs
• spectral modeling of tidal disruption events
• supernova NLTE modelling
• cold interstellar matter

Year 2021

Workshop: Satellite for Space Science and Technology in Africa

Registeration deadline: 12 November 2021

Registration is now open for the workshop ‘Satellite for Space Science and Technology in Africa‘, which will take place from 15-19 November 2021 in Palapye, Botswana, and online.
Learn more>>

Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) in Japan will launch a new
Master-PhD course on origin-of-life science and astrobiology

Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) in Japan will launch a new Master-PhD course on origin-of-life science and astrobiology at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. The five-year ELSI course is open for domestic and international students who wish to tackle fundamental questions in natural science such as the origin and evolution of living planets. ELSI will provide financial support (as the salary of a research assistant) for
all the students, except for ones who are going to be supported by JSPS DC fellowships (Japan) or equivalent fellowships.

Orientation webinars:
Session 1 – Thu, 9 Sep 2021 at 23:00 UTC (Fri, 10 Sep 2021 at 08:00 JST)
Session 2 – Fri, 10 Sep 2021 at 11:00 UTC (Fri, 10 Sep 2021 at 20:00 JST)

To join the orientation webinar, please send the following information to <edu-info [at]> (replace [at] to @). The application deadline is 24 hours before the start of the webinar.


Asteroid Photometry
Virtual Summer School, August 16 – 27, 2021

Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure project and the Molėtai Astronomical Observatory of Vilnius University, Lithuania are pleased to announce the international research summer school „Asteroid Photometry“.

Participants that will show acceptable results on their assignments will get a diploma with 2.5 ECTS credits, which may be used as part of their degree studies at their home universities.

The school is financed by the European Commission HORIZON 2020 project EUROPLANET 2024 Research Infrastructure.

The deadline for application is 15 June 2021 23:59:00 UTC.

Notifications of acceptance by 30 June 2021 23:59:00 UTC.



  • Any student preparing his PhD thesis in Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Biology or History/Philosophy of sciences in France or any other country.
  • Any students or young scientist wishing to acquire an interdisciplinary training in astrobiology to complete their initial training and to be able to address issues about the origins of life on Earth, its evolution and its distribution in the Universe.

The program of RED’21/Astrobiology Introductory Course is complementary to that of RED’19, however it is not necessary to have followed it to participate in this new school.

The school’s 2021 session will be held online. The courses will be given remotely from June 21st to 25th, 2021.
Registration is free but mandatory.

Virtual OPTICON Archival School Using ESO and ALMA Data

The Virtual OPTICON Archival School Using ESO and ALMA Data will take place 19 – 26 June 2021.

In this school the students will do a project using data available either in the ESO or ALMA archive. The project is lead by an experienced tutor who will guide the students in retrieving, reducing and analysing the data. The school also includes basic lectures on ESO and ALMA, but the emphasis is on hands-on work. There will also be general interest lectures on different aspects of multi-messenger astrophysics, including very high energy gamma-rays, neutrinos and gravitational waves.

Application form:

This school is mainly meant for PhD students, but also MSc students in the later stages of their studies and young postdocs can be considered.

The deadline for applications is Friday April 23, and the applicants will be notified about the selection in late May.

EANA International Spring School: Hydrothermal Vents, May 17th–21st, 2021

Hydrothermal systems are crucial environments for astrobiology: they are thought to be the theatre of life’s origins, host unprecedented polyextremophilic biodiversity, and are key targets in the search for life throughout the Solar System, especially on Mars and icy moons.
Join the first EANA online school to learn about hydrothermal systems from interdisciplinary perspectives at the interfaces of geology, biology and chemistry.
From May 17th–21st, 2021, there will be one talk each day (two talks on May 21st) on a particular aspect of hydrothermal systems.

The school is free of charge and is an ideal opportunity to discover or deepen your understanding of these unique environments.

Application deadline: 14 May 2021 at 23:59 CEST. Registration form

Virtual Workshop on the use of the Europlanet Telescope Network for 
amateur astronomers

On May 15, 2021 (Saturday) we will organise a virtual workshop dedicated to the amateur community which aims to demonstrate the use of the telescopes within the Europlanet Telescope Network to amateur astronomers. The workshop will be held in Spanish and will use the Calar Alto 1.23m telescope for practical demonstrations showing its remote use.

May 15, 2021, 11:00 CEST (12:00 OESZ) – May 16, 2021, 01:00 CEST (01:00 
. Website.

Virtual Fireballs Workshop #1 on Fireball Databases and Machine Learning

The workshop will take place virtually on 11-12 June 2021 and aims towards:

  1. introducing and discussing the different fireballs networks, databases and data formats with a strong focus on its technical aspects;
  2. discussing and exploring the possibilities of a common data format and/or a common entry point to all data;
  3. discussing and identifying machine learning science cases for fireball observations.

June 11-12, 2021, 13:00-19:00 CEST. Website.

Online Workshop MW-Gaia: Bringing the Milky Way to schools 2021, 2-4 June 2021

COST action CA-18104 workshop on Bringing the Milky Way to schools will take place virtually hosted by Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (Porto) and Vilnius University: 2-4 June 2021. 

Topics Covered:

  • The Milky Way as a Galaxy: the science and research background
  • Dissemination of the GAIA science
  • Bringing the research closer to the public
  • Teaching the Milky Way in schools
  • How to make teaching and science communication more inclusive

Online Mode of Workshop
This workshop will be run online via ZOOM.

Deadline for abstract submission: 14 May 2021
Deadline for registrations: 1 June 2021

Geology & Planetary Mapping Winter School, 1-5 February 2021.

The PLANMAP team, in collaboration with europlanet’s GMAP initiative, announces the first PLANMAP winter school on planetary geologic mapping and 3D geological modelling, that will be held virtually 1-5 February 2021. The PLANMAP winter school will provide an overview of the technical and scientific skills needed by the next generation of planetary mappers.